Taught in conjunction with clinical specialists, this short course tackles contemporary issues in end of life care as part of learners’ continuous professional development.
Lectures, seminars and online tutorials will cover end of life care policy developments, leadership and management, enhanced communication skills for handling difficult conversations, advanced care planning, symptom management, recognising spiritual, emotional and cultural need at the end of life, and understanding loss, grief and bereavement.
Learners will have opportunities to enhance their knowledge and skills by completing a minimum of 90 hours of practical learning, split between their workplace and carrying out observations across differing end of life settings.
Upon completion, learners will be awarded 30 CATs at level 5.
Learners will attend university for two hours every Friday, from 17th March 2017 to 9th June 2017 (inclusive)
Price: £1000
Delivered by the University of Gloucestershire, in partnership with Sue Ryder Hospices
Location: Francis Close Hall, Swindon Road, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL50 4AZ
For more information, call us on 01242 714 551 or email appliedsciences@glos.ac.uk
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