NSSSSports Science for Sports Therapists Bridging CourseDescriptionSports Science for Sports Therapists. This short course has been designed as a bridging module for those students who wish to enrol onto the MSc Sports Therapy and don’t have the pre requisite Sports Science degree. The aim of this module is to bridge students’ prior learning in the fields of anatomy, physiology, conditioning and biomechanics to the Society of Sports Therapists competencies in preparation for the full MSc Sports Therapy program. Students will learn the fundamental knowledge and understanding required to meet the Society of Sports Therapists competencies related to anatomy, physiology, strength and conditioning and biomechanics in readiness for application to the injured athlete. This module will develop an understanding of biomechanical and physiological concepts relating to human movement. The bridging course runs in semester 3 of the academic year (June to August). Assessments consist of a multiple choice exam and a lab report. Students may pay in instalments of £100, as long as the total price of £400 is paid by completion of the course. Please contact Sarah Shaw sshaw@glos.ac.uk Tel: 01242 714619